User Help

Sign Up:

1. Click on the “New User” link.

2.  Fill out the form.  Pick a username and password.  Both are case sensitive and the password must be at least 4 characters.  Enter your name and email address.  Also enter the call letters of the stations for which you are responsible for the return of affidavits in the field "Affiliated Radio Stations".

3.  Click “Submit Registration”

4.   You will receive a confirmation email (to the address you entered in the form).  Put this is a safe place.  

Your account will be set up for use within one business day.  If you have any problems or simply want to speed up the process call us at (800)776-4638 during normal business hours.

Using LOL:

1. Enter your username and password. Click "enter" or hit the enter key.
You will be presented with a list of stations for which you are responsible. For duopoly situations we have chosen one set of call letters as a "grouping" name. Under that grouping you will see individual stations. If you have only one affiliated station then the group name and the station will be the same call letters.

2. Click on a set of call letters. 
You will be presented with a list of outstanding logs (logs that have not yet been "signed").

Each log, or revision of a log, was assigned a unique "Log code". If a log was changed in mid-week after it was posted on the LOL, then a revision will be posted with a different log code. The original log will always have a code than ends in the letter "a". The next revision will have a "b", etc. If you are downloading the log, please be sure to download the latest revision. 

To download a log: Right-click on the "Log File" name and choose "Save Target As..". You can then choose a place on your hard drive to save the log. It is in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) and you'll need the Adobe reader to view it. This is a free download from

To view the log for verification: Left-click on the "Log File" name. If the Adobe reader is installed on your PC then the log file should open.

To "sign" an affidavit for a log: Click on the "Sign Log" button next to the log you want to sign. Please be sure you are signing off on the revision of the log you actually used.

If you did not run all the spots on the log as documented: Click the "Discrepancies" link next to the log in question. You will then be presented with a text box where you can type in any spots that did NOT run as documented in the log. Delete the word "None" before beginning. Please indicate the date and time of the spot that did not run. When complete click the "Sign Log" button.

4. You will then be presented with a list of logs to be signed.

At this point you may:

a. Add more logs to the list by clicking on the "Continue Adding Logs" button. This will take you back to the previous screen. You can sign another log in this list or use your browser's "Back" button to go back , select another station., and repeat the last step. (NOTE: Logs that appear on this screen will still appear as outstanding logs if you navigate back through the steps. However, the application won't let you accidentally sign the same log twice.).

b. Change your mind about signing one of the logs by unchecking (click on the checkmark) one or more of the logs and clicking the "Recalculate" button. The log you uncheck will appear as an outstanding log the next time you log in.

c. Or you can proceed to the final step in the process by clicking on the "Proceed to Next Step" button.

(If you have never used the LOL before, you'll get another annoying form to fill out at this point. This is the last time you will see this screen under your current user name. Fill it out and click the "continue" button)

5. You're now presented with the "Finalizing" screen. Its sole purpose is to allow you to verify your user information and the logs you want to sign. You can correct your user information by clicking where indicated. If you change you mind about signing any of the logs, click your browser's "Back" button and repeat step 4 above. You can also click on the link in red to read the legal notice. 

This is the point of no return. After you click the "Submit" button on this page you cannot make any changes. Click the "Submit" button to finalize the process. 

6. You will be presented with Affidavits suitable for printing. Use your browser's Print button for this purpose. You can also use your browser's "Save-as" feature to save the affidavit(s) in electronic form if you wish. The logs you selected are no longer outstanding and you are logged off the LOL. To log in again you can click on the LOL logo on this page.

General Tips:

-If you make a mistake try using your browser's "Back" button and correcting it. If all else fails, click "LogOff" and start all over again. Logs are not officially signed until you see the printable affidavit at the end of the process. If you get to that point and you realize that you've made a mistake email us at or call us at (800)776-4638 and give us the log code of the log that needs to be corrected. We will change the status of that log to outstanding so that you can go through and sign it again.

-The LOL will automatically sign you off after 15 minutes of inactivity. If this happens before you have finalized the logs then you will have to start over again.